Mark 16:15 (NKJV)




To share Jesus Christ’s promise of grace, mercy, blessings, healing and salvation.


To bless people around the world through the teachings and insights of the Holy Bible.


To channel the Holy Spirit for divine guidance and healing of spiritual, physical and emotional wounds and illnesses.


To pray and share the Word of God with all people, without any discrimination of beliefs, gender, skin color, ethnicity or political preferences.




To spread the Gospel to believers and non-believers, through preaching, community outreach, evangelical missions and educational events.


To create and make resources available for communities of faith, other ministries and servants of God.


To share biblical verses and practical application to our daily lives through all means of communication.


To provide uplifting messages of God’s grace and love, filled with mercy, hope, healing and salvation.


To bring faith-based support to those in need.


To provide help for marriages, people with drug & alcohol addictions, and those who have experienced sexual, spousal or child abuse.




We believe there is one, all-knowing and eternal GOD, present in three forms:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  He is the creator and ruler of all things and the redeemer of mankind.


We believe that JESUS CHRIST is the Son of God.  That He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.  That He is the only sinless man to walk the earth who died to pay the debt of man, because of the original sin of Adam.  That Jesus was crucified and died.  That, on the third day, God resurrected Him, fulfilling the scriptures and starting the Covenant of Grace with mankind.


We believe that the HOLY SPIRIT dwells inside every man and is activated once an individual accepts and declares Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  We believe that the Holy Spirit is our guide and friend that helps us to do what is right, find and follow God’s will for our lives.


We believe that PRAYER is our communication with God and affirms His faithfulness to us.  We believe that prayer is our greatest weapon in spiritual warfare.  We believe that prayer in tongues comes from our spirit and is for our growth and to edify the body of Christ.  We believe that prayer does not need a format; it can be short or long, on your knees or driving a car to work… God will always listen to a prayer that comes from an honest and humble heart.


We believe that the BIBLE is the living word of God.  It was written by men directed by the Holy Spirit.  It is the truth that guides us in all we say and do.


We believe that SALVATION is a promise by God’s Grace and Mercy to all mankind, independent of their works.  It is written in the Bible that man needs salvation to avoid punishment with eternal suffering, and thereby live eternal life in God’s presence.  We believe that salvation can only be obtained through Jesus Christ.


We believe in BAPTISM by immersion in water, as performed by John the Baptist and practiced by Jesus Christ.  The immersion is a symbol for man to identify himself with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  It is also our choice and declaration to the world that we believe in God.


We believe that the CHURCH is the body of Christ, each and every one of us that believes and has faith in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.  It is also the place where we congregate to worship God.


We believe that COMMUNION is a reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross and the beginning of a new covenant.  Communion is symbolized by bread as the body of Christ and wine as the blood of Christ.  We believe in the healing power of body, mind and soul through communion and prayer.


We believe that, through the Holy Spirit, God gave us the GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT to bless our lives, strengthen our faith, bring forth revelations, to edify the church, and to show unbelievers the existence of God in the present day.


We believe that all MEN were created by God in His image, and that life must be treated as sacred from conception to natural death.  We believe that God so loved the world that He gave his only Son to die for man’s sins.  We believe that, like Jesus’ example, we should treat every person with love, dignity and respect.


We believe that the LAW was given to Moses at Mount Sinai written in two stone tablets.  These laws were the Ten Commandments to set out the basic principles that would govern the Israelites for a more peaceful, happy and productive life not apart from God but with his blessings and favor.  There was only one man that could fulfill the Law and his name is Jesus Christ.


We believe that GRACE is a free and undeserved favor given by God to all man that responds to His call to become children of God. It is an unmerited mercy to all humanity demonstrated by sending His Son Jesus Christ to die on a cross, thus securing man’s eternal salvation from sin. The Grace of God can be obtained by just humbling ourselves and asking Him for it. We believe that Grace is not just a word, but a person and his name is Jesus Christ.


We believe in ETERNAL LIFE and that by declaring Jesus Christ is the Son of God and our Lord and Savior, we will spend eternity in Heaven in the presence of our Creator. Therefore, we also believe that we will spend eternal suffering in hell if we do not recognize Jesus Christ as our Savior.


                   IN JESUS CHRIST AND

                        IN THE HOLY SPIRIT